Friday, June 26, 2009

Drug-dependent child molester given moment of silence in House of Representatives. Really?

I am floored.
The House holds a moment of silence for Michael Jackson?
I just can't wrap my mind around it.
Listen, I grew up on the Jackson Five and Jacko, that was my era. I wore black pumps with little white ankle socks on more than one occasion.
Trust me, I am not a hater by any stretch.
But the dude was a kiddie fondler and went out hopped up on pain meds.
I admit it's sad- it's a downright tragic waste, of an incredibly gifted entertainer, but a moment of silence in the House of Reps? For real?

I mean, come one, is that the message we want to send the world at large?
"Hey Iran- we are witnessing your plight but we are mourning our King of Pop, at the moment".

And we wonder why other countries don't think too highly of us?
It wasn't Bush, folks- it was the US as a whole.

What have we become when a over glorified, drug dependent, child molester is given a moment of silence in our House of Representatives? FML

1 comment:

  1. AGREED.

    Okay, I just found your blog and I love it. It's so refreshing to finally see a fellow right winger speak up. And umm, I am IN LOVE with your countdown until Obama's gone! AMEN!
