Friday, June 19, 2009

Barbara Boxer is a disgrace to all women, regardless of political affiliation.

So, let me see if I get this straight- 
Liberals can call Conservative women "slutty" and "bitch".
They can talk about their desire to sexually violate Conservative woman, and they can joke about impregnating underage Conservative women- 


To quote the late, great Bernie Mack, "Shit aint right, America."

This Liberal woman is going to pop off to a United States Brigadier General?!?
Is she out of her damn mind?!

(Again, with The Mack)
"Shit aint right America."

Brigadier General Michael Walsh can call you whatever he damn well pleases, Babs.
Did you see that uniform? Those medals?

How dare you school him, on what you should be called?
You're lucky he addressed you with the respect he did.
It's because of men like Brigadier General Michael Walsh that you can even sit in that Senate seat, sweet cheeks.

It's this type of sanctimonious, liberal, waste of time, that has put California in the crapper.

Hey Babs- your state is fiscally f-ed, you got a lot bigger problems than being called "Mam".

Barbara Boxer makes me want to punch myself in the face.

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