Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Al Frankin is an ass clown!

After this past November, nothing surprises me.

Thank you "bad_horsie" for the support. For all you haters, I rest my case!

White Washing Wacko

Jamie Foxx, the host of the Black Entertainment Television music awards, was unequivocal on Sunday night. “We want to celebrate this black man,” Mr. Foxx said of Michael Jackson. “He belongs to us and we shared him with everybody else.”

For decades the black community rejected Michael Jackson for what they perceived to be his disdain for his African American heritage. His controversial plastic surgeries and skin bleaching, as well as his fondness for white women, all contributed to what a large majority of blacks consider to be Jackson 'turning his back on his race by turning himself white'.

When child molestation allegations came out against Michael Jackson, and he was showing up to court in his pajamas, I don't remember many black celebrities running to his defense, or rallying behind him in support.

If anything, he became the butt of their jokes, especially in the comedy arena.

Seriously though, where was Jamie Foxx, when he was dangling his baby off a Paris balcony, or being shot up with copious amounts of narcotics?
Where was Smokey Robinson and P- Diddy then?
Where were Michael Jackson's friends and family, and where in the hell was the "Black Community"?
The only one was Reverend Al Sharpton, and we all know Reverend Al will get behind any person of color. The only requirement for that ass hat to drag out his podium, and start beating his gavel, is a dark skin tone.
Don't get me started on Reverend Al- he continuously makes me want to punch myself in the face.

And now here comes P-Diddy, asking us to "stop focusing on the negative aspects of Michael Jackson's life".
I wonder how much Sean Puffy-Combs stands to make off the tribute song mix, "The Game- Better On The Other Side", that he, Polow, Da Don, Mario Winans, Usher and Boyz ll Men- just made.
I also wonder if they will 'do the right thing' and donate ALL the proceeds to a charity in Michael's honor?
Or will they just take the blood money and 'party in the club with a bottle of bub'?

Then again, what do I expect? Jackson's own father stepped right over Michael's body and announced his new record label today. Can you imagine?
They haven't even determined cause of death yet, it's just unconscionable.

Attention Black Community:
Michael Jackson did not see himself as a Black Man, he saw himself as the white boy.
Peter Pan, to be exact.
Michael was very open about his obsession with J.M. Barre and Peter Pan & The Lost Boys.

(P- Diddy, I don't think you are listening to Michael's words)

Michael Jackson didn't care about being the greatest black entertainer of his time, he was an artist and just wanted to entertain us.
All of us.

Those, in the Black Community, that turned their backs on their boy when he needed them the most, need to put the race card back in the deck on this one.

They scored their win with Jordan, Tiger and Obama.

For what it's worth- I hope his soul has some peace at this point.

Monday, June 29, 2009

I dodged a bullet Friday night.

So on Friday night a really close friend tried to kill me.
Not in the literal sense, but figuratively, of course.
Although I survived, I don't recognize my life at the moment, or my self for that matter.
I guess that's what happens when you are sort-of, almost killed, your perspectives change.

Everything "looks" different, because everything is different.

It also might have to do with the fact that I haven't eaten solid foods in 3 days.
See, I started this juice fast/cleanse Saturday morning, so I have been living on pre-bottled fresh fruit and veggie juices, as well as wheat grass shots. Nothing solid - No caffeine - No sugar.

I have no vices.

The last time someone tried to kill, me I had vices. Lots of them.
I lived on coffee, diet pills, booze, salty foods and chocolate. None of it helped, I just felt worse.

This time though, I feel "lighter", even with the weight of the pain I am feeling, I feel lighter.

Maybe it's just low blood sugar, or the epsom salt scrubs and lavender oil soaks, or maybe it's that I have a new lease on life.

It's character building to be able to treat triumph and disaster "just the same".

How about that Sonia Sotomayor? "Wise Latina woman", my ass.
And what about Obama going back on yet another campaign pledge? I thought people under earning under $250 thousand weren't going to get a tax increase?
And did you hear about the EPA, suppressing a study, debunking global warming? I'm so over all the bullshit- bring back the plastic bags!

Saturday, June 27, 2009

"I will thrive"- I loves me some Jenny Sanford!

Moral cowards

Apparently these guys suffered from Narcissistic Personality Disorder-

A pervasive pattern of grandiosity (in fantasy or behavior), need for admiration, and lack of empathy, beginning by early adulthood and present in a variety of contexts, as indicated by five (or more) of the following.

  1. has a grandiose sense of self-importance
  2. is preoccupied with fantasies of unlimited success, power, brilliance, beauty or ideal love (megalomania)
  3. believes that he or she is "special" and can only be understood by, or should associate with, people (or institutions) who are also "special" or of high status.
  4. requires excessive admiration
  5. has a sense of entitlement
  6. is interpersonally exploitative
  7. lacks empathy
  8. is often envious of others or believes others are envious of him or her
  9. shows arrogant, haughty behaviors or attitude

Diagnosis them with whatever the DSM sees fit, they are all still moral cowards & their wives would have been better served without them.
That said, I feel horrible for the children that have to go through unnecessary embarrassment and pain because the person that was "supposed" to love their mommy didn't have the strength of character to keep his dick in his pants.

Cap & Trader 101

Friday, June 26, 2009

Cap & Traders

Here are the 4 that everyone needs on speed dial-
(202) 225- 5361
(202) 225- 4611
(202) 225- 7761
(2020 225- 3765
Call these numbers and let these 4 know where they stand.
This bill can not pass in the Senate, we were this close!

Drug-dependent child molester given moment of silence in House of Representatives. Really?

I am floored.
The House holds a moment of silence for Michael Jackson?
I just can't wrap my mind around it.
Listen, I grew up on the Jackson Five and Jacko, that was my era. I wore black pumps with little white ankle socks on more than one occasion.
Trust me, I am not a hater by any stretch.
But the dude was a kiddie fondler and went out hopped up on pain meds.
I admit it's sad- it's a downright tragic waste, of an incredibly gifted entertainer, but a moment of silence in the House of Reps? For real?

I mean, come one, is that the message we want to send the world at large?
"Hey Iran- we are witnessing your plight but we are mourning our King of Pop, at the moment".

And we wonder why other countries don't think too highly of us?
It wasn't Bush, folks- it was the US as a whole.

What have we become when a over glorified, drug dependent, child molester is given a moment of silence in our House of Representatives? FML

"You asking me?" Unreal- MK Hamm is legit- loves me some MK

This is awesome! I loves me some Iranian protesters!

RIP Cap & Trade

We really are a crazy- ass culture. Michael Jackson is getting more play than Cap & Trade and the Pedophile Protection Act- combined! "Shit aint right America" Not to mention Farrah Fawcett. Poor thing had her whole horrific cancer ordeal documented for our viewing pleasure and this kiddie fondler is being martyred. Ironically Obama's numbers went up since MJ's passing. These are all things that are moon walking around in my head. Edie PS: I blog for food

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Stop Cap & Trade! The Vote is tomorrow. We still have time!

If you have not yet called your Rep please do so!! 202-225-3121.

What do Barack Obama and Michael Jackson have in common?

Neither could keep their hands out of our children's pockets.

Joe Biden dissing Barack Obama

"I told you he wasn't qualified and yet nobody listened to me when I said it. I told you he wasn't ready to lead the country. I told you that we couldn't afford his "on the job training".
Heck, I even told you he would be tested within the first six months!
But nobody listens to me.
Nobody listens to "good old Joe".
I'm just here to amuse all of you.
I'm the big gaffer, the gaffe machine, the blow hard with the hair plugs and too much botox.
Well, don't look at me. I don't want the job now."

Ahmadinejad demands Obama apologize- Well, that shouldn't be so hard for him.

The Iranian President is "appalled and outraged" that Obama's comments are reminiscent of former President Bush's.
I guess with Ahmadinejerk you can't say stuff like "violence against his own people" when referring to him.
Who would have thought the psycho would be so sensitive?

But now what is Obama going to do?

Maybe this is the test, Biden was talking about?!

Think about it, he has the Iranian people, as well as the American people looking to him to say or do something- "God-like".
Isn't this what he said he was going to do during the campaign? Sit down with this ass clown without any pre-conditions?

Well, this is the moment we have all been waiting for.

After all, he is The Great Speaker, Healer and Uniter, why should we worry?

Good thing he said that whole "without pre-conditions" part, huh? That was genius.

He should have taken a cue from John Maverick McCain- you don't sit and talk or negotiate with terrorist leaders.

If Barack asks me, I am going to tell him, straight up-
Do yourself a favor and get Somali Pirate on his ass!
We know you have it in you B-Man, give the orders!
Get all bralick and kick sand in this guys face.
Do it because you know we all want you to- and because YOU actually can.

Who am I kidding? As if.
Here comes The Apology Tour Part Deux-
God help us, America.

Cap & Trade will raise taxes by $846 Billion- Call your congressman before June 26th

President Obama won't pledge to use the same public health care he wants us to use? WTF Slim-Shady Obama?

Get this, Slim Shady Obama say's that he "won't pledge to keep family on Public Health Plan if they become sick".

Like any of us doubted this? Obama is a chain smoker- do you really think when he gets diagnosed with lung cancer he is going to be waiting on line, or in some que, like the rest of us will be? Bitch Please.
This guy is shady with a capital SHADY.
He used the All Barack Channel (ABC) to blow his smoke up our asses.

The American Medical Association said " President Obama, your health care is no better than an act of terrorism. It is a man made disaster".
Or something like that, I am not sure, so don't quote me.

The bottom line is this folks- The AMA is against The Obama Health Scare Plan. That's t a fact. Go ahead and quote me.

The Man, The Myth, The Legend.

"The manner in which the news programming is being presented – at the White House with the president and first lady and without opposition – is unprofessional and contrary to the journalistic code of ethics to present the news fairly and independently," the letter states. "This is not a presidential news conference open to all news outlets. This is an exclusive arrangement from which the president and his viewpoint stand to gain. It's as if ABC News is providing in-kind free advertising for President Obama."

I think this is how the myth goes.
Obamassus was this dude that stared at his own reflection in water all the time, because he suffered from what is now referred to as "Obamasistic Personality Disorder".

One day, while doing positive affirmations and gazing down upon his own image, he bent down to kiss himself and falls in.

Unfortunately, the fools Portuguese Water Dog was engorged from eating custard, and Obamassus didn't have his boogie board.

He drowns in his own adoration.
It goes something like that.

Check out response to Obama's ABC special
ABC= All Barack Channel

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Let's not get rushed into this like we were rushed into the bail out- Haste makes Waste!

Who exactly are "your people"?

Peter Maer of CBS calls out Gibbs! Finally the press is on to their antics!

WOW! I want to shake this guys hand- 
PETER MAER of CBS News is my HERO!!!
It's like a correspondence feeding frenzy- I love this.
Finally, these guys aren't being ass hats and they are doing their damn jobs.
I shower in Peter Maer's journalism tonight! 
And not for nothing, but where the hell does Gibbs get off tossing around attitude? He's acting like these guys have nerve when expecting the office of the Presidency to be authentic. 
Absolute power corrupts absolutely, let's not forget that. 

Governor Mike Huckabee- Huck PAC

JUNE 24, 2009 - 12:52 PM


Most of the world is focused on events occurring on a daily basis in Iran. While that is certainly understandable, there is another dangerous situation going on that we all must pay attention to. North Korea presents a real threat to the security of the world. 

Kim Jong-il, the present leader of North Korea is clearly mentally unbalanced. He heads a secretive, communist regime which tolerates no dissent. North Korea’s economy is in shambles. The country has been hit by natural disasters, poor planning and a failure to modernize. Aid agencies have estimated that up to two million people have died in North Korea since the mid 1990s because of severe food shortages. 

In 2002, the tyrannical Kim-Jong-il, added to the misery of his people by announcing that he had decided to reactivate a nuclear reactor and to expel international inspectors. The United Nations has made feeble and weak attempts to deal with the continuing threat of North Korea to become a nuclear power. As the United Nations spends time drafting a really strong letter in its traditionally meaningless and misguided dysfunction, the burden remains on the United States and China to find a way to contain the growing threat posed by North Korea. 

North Korea has nothing to lose. Vice President Biden said that President Obama would be tested by foreign leaders within six months of becoming President. It hasn’t taken that long. It’s a dangerous situation to have a nation such as North Korea hold the capacity to launch a nuclear weapon. It’s equally dangerous when that country is led by a maniacal dictator, who is accountable to no one, even his own people. When both are present it becomes a crisis.

Today the United States Navy is tracking a North Korean ship, believed to be carrying dangerous nuclear materials. Unfortunately, our Navy is being restricted from taking any action by the inept United Nations, which has adopted language requiring any Government wishing to inspect a cargo, to ask permission to do so. The UN resolution says that vessels suspected of breaking the embargo must undergo inspection, either on the high seas or at port. 
But any inspection depends on the cooperation of a ship’s captain.

How the Obama Administration handles this situation will tell the American people a lot about what we can expect from the President in dealing with foreign crisis. We can only hope that while President Obama is busy running car companies and banks he doesn’t forget that the world is a very dangerous place, especially when an unbalanced dictator is launching missiles and setting off underground nuclear tests just because he wants to.

Major Garrett, Chuck Todd and Jake Tapper all "keeping it real" with POTUS

Major Garrett and Chuck Todd call Obama out on his delay in dealing with Iran.
Jake Tapper pulls no punches with POTUS on health care & earlier in the day he gets called out on his inability to quit smoking- 
Not a good day for the Presidents image.

So what is there to do but choreograph a question & answer "tete-a tete "with the Huffington Post?
It really was a brilliant strategy. 
The White House makes it "look like" Obama is concerned with Iran, and the Huffington Post blogger gets called on.
It's very transparent, and actually quite shameful, that it's all a big gimmick and they both suck wind.

I LOVES ME SOME Jake Tapper- putting Obama on the spot!

Obama says "I'm not a quitter- anybody got a light?"

How convenient- The ONE AND ONLY time Obama doesn't want to make it about him!

This is absolutely horrific! The arrogance of the Obama Administration

The "doers" are doing but the takers are voting folks! This is absolute corrupt power!

Monday, June 22, 2009

Credit where credit is due, sort-of.

Obama signs anti-smoking bill, citing his own difficulty in breaking the cigarette habit, has a lot to do with the fact that "I'm just not a quitter".

President Obama ruefully admitted on Monday that he's spent his adult life fighting the habit. Then he snuffed out his butt and signed the nation's toughest anti-smoking law, aiming to keep thousands of other teens from getting hooked.

Obama praised the historic legislation, as he lit another Newport, which gives the Food and Drug Administration unprecedented authority to regulate what goes into tobacco products, to make public the ingredients and to prohibit marketing campaigns geared toward his children.

But he didn't say how his own struggle was coming since he moved into the White House, and is not allowed to smoke indoors.  And aides were no more forthcoming. 

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Why I don't like you, in case your reading this.

The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Sunday shows that 32% of the nation's voters now Strongly Approve of the way that Barack Obama is performing his role as President. Thirty-four percent (34%) Strongly Disapprove giving Obama a Presidential Approval Index rating of -2. That’s the President’s lowest rating to date and the first time the Presidential Approval Index has fallen below zero for Obama.

I frequently get accused, of hating Barack Obama, but I don't hate him, I really don't.  

I find him to be extremely arrogant, repulsively narcissistic, and quite frankly, a liability to the United States, but that's just my personal opinion of him, which I am entitled to, but is no more than just that- my opinion. 

My professional opinion of him isn't much better, though.
He never ran a company or met a payroll. He had an Ivy League education and lived an upscale lifestyle with no "visible" signs of financial income or support, although Acorn, Ayers, Wright, Rezko, Flaeger, radical Islam, and The Woods Foundation, definitely come to mind. 

He never served in the military, which I can respect, but he refused to wear an American Flag pin on his lapel for the first 3/4 of his campaign and on more than one occasion, deliberately chose not to raise his hand to his heart during the National Anthem, which to me is a shameful act for any American, but again- that is just my opinion.

I heard someone say of Obama, "it isn't what he says that scares me, it's what he doesn't say that scares me."
Which made me think, we never got answers to so many of these things that were truly suspect about him. 
He just wasn't as Transparent as his campaign wanted us to think he was. 
But why?

So now, I am stuck with his votes to prevent medical intervention for babies born alive during botched abortions, his socialized Health-Scare policies, the apology tour he felt he needed to take across Europe and the Middle East, Gitmo, releasing Department of Homeland Security memos, torture, Chavez, Ortega, and most recently his "bearing witness to Iran" yet not taking ANY action. 
Not to mention picking Joe Biden as his running mate, and going back on a campaign promise to implement a needle-exchange program once in office. 

I have to be OK with the fact that I don't like our President, and I am - but what I am not OK with, is that I believe he isn't any good for our Country. 
Because I really believe that, with every fiber of my being, I feel a huge responsibility to speak out against him. So I will, as often as I can, because I feel that convicted about this man.
I alienate a lot of people because of my strong opinions, and that is OK too. I feel a real moral and ethical obligation, that goes way beyond my wanting, or needing, to be validated.

I am frustrated that the American people fell for Obama's Hope & Change, "bait and switch" campaign. It was a sucker-punch, as far as I am concerned. 
Well played Axelrod- Well played indeed, Sir.

Great Father's Day Gift Idea!

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Flies Away - Stop swatting, shooing, and spraying

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Nuts or not, Acorn is Nuts.

I'm just wondering if anyone every deducted  he/she's 9 votes, or is this the reason we are in this hell they called HOPENCHANGE?



Friday, June 19, 2009

Tony Hawk tearin it up in the White Hizzy

When I saw this photo, I thought I had figured out what really happened to Hillary's elbow. 

Regrettably, it's just  Professional skate boarder, Tony Hawk,"shredding it up in the White House".

 Dude- our founding fathers are rolling in their graves. 

Obama has turned the White House into a Circus tent.

Sleep overs with journalists, news broadcasts, documentaries-
What's he going to do for his next act? 
Maybe he can get Criss Angel Mind-Freak to levitate over the White House.

To think that liberal comedians are complaining that they have no material since Bush left office.

Clinton falls and fractures elbow running from White House Dog

How happy are you that you busted your ass before we destroyed the health care system?

Girl, you better make sure you get that elbow fixed quick, because I am on a mission.

While your at it, you better have Hill-Billy get a check up too. 
How's the old boy's heart? He better lay off the pork rinds and start doing some cardio. 

Change is coming. 

Barbara Boxer is a disgrace to all women, regardless of political affiliation.

So, let me see if I get this straight- 
Liberals can call Conservative women "slutty" and "bitch".
They can talk about their desire to sexually violate Conservative woman, and they can joke about impregnating underage Conservative women- 


To quote the late, great Bernie Mack, "Shit aint right, America."

This Liberal woman is going to pop off to a United States Brigadier General?!?
Is she out of her damn mind?!

(Again, with The Mack)
"Shit aint right America."

Brigadier General Michael Walsh can call you whatever he damn well pleases, Babs.
Did you see that uniform? Those medals?

How dare you school him, on what you should be called?
You're lucky he addressed you with the respect he did.
It's because of men like Brigadier General Michael Walsh that you can even sit in that Senate seat, sweet cheeks.

It's this type of sanctimonious, liberal, waste of time, that has put California in the crapper.

Hey Babs- your state is fiscally f-ed, you got a lot bigger problems than being called "Mam".

Barbara Boxer makes me want to punch myself in the face.