Monday, May 11, 2009

I am so tired of this hypocritical, ostentatiously pious administration!

By now, it's probably apparent, that I am not a fan of our President.
Once again & to make sure this is very clear:
This has nothing, I repeat, nothing to do with the color of his skin.
(BTW- I am really tired of having to qualify every negative comment I make about him with this statement. It's time for everyone that is enamored with this guy to get over the fact that he is black. Not everyone that can't stand him is a racist- I myself judge people by the content of their character, and as far as I am concerned, I am not impressed with his, never was).

Somebody please tell me- how could the President of the
United States, sit in aroom and publicly laugh at jokes about 9/11 hijackers? How could he laugh when Wanda Sykes said she "hoped Rush Limbaugh's kidneys fail"?

Once again- ideological bigotry at it's finest.

I guess I shouldn't be surprised- he did in fact spend 22 years as a member of the Trinity United Church of Christ, in Chicago. For those of you that may have overlooked this character defect, let me elaborate.
The Trinity United Church was run by Obama's self described spiritual mentor, the Reverend Jeremiah Wright. Wright's ideology smacked of racial separatism while routinely criticizing what he called "white America".
This is the same guy that went on the whole "God bless America? No, no, no! Not God bless America, God damn America" rant.

I am just so angry.
Sykes it a comedian, I get it, but she resorted to cheap shots. Joking about Limbaugh's prior dependency on pain killers, and saying she wished his kidney's would fail, is just tacky.
It was a cheap and easy shot that required no intelligence and I am frankly surprised she went there.

Could you imagine if Rush Limbaugh, or any other conservative for that matter, said that they hoped Sykes would die from some horrible disease?
Can you picture Obama just tossing his head back and laughing away at that one?
Of course not.
Ideological Bigotry!

I hope Sykes is aware of the fact that her President and Rush Limbaugh have the same position on gay marriage.
As a lesbian, as well as an outspoken advocate for the passage of Prop 8, I would think she would have considered this before agreeing to be a guest at the White House Coorespondents Dinner.

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