Behold Mark Levin's entire piece at The Corner.
Palin is running for president, get used to it.
The reason is pretty simple. Sarah Palin loves America. And she knows we are a hair's breadth from losing much of what we and millions of our countrymen have painstakingly built with sweat and blood over more than two centuries. She knows that Cap and Trade is not just another piece of legislation. It is a hollowpoint bullet aimed straight at the heart of the American economy. She knows that health care reform is designed to, and will, utterly devastate the quality and availability of health care that is currently the best the world has ever known. She knows that American presidents don't nationalize automakers. Third-world dictators do that.
Sarah Palin has five children. She doesn't want to subject them to a future of soft tyranny and poverty.
But unlike nearly every other American, Sarah Palin can do something about it. Conservatives know she is the real thing. And so do Liberals. How else to explain the daily, spittle-flecked rage spewed at her and her family? Is there anything about Sarah Palin that is vile, repugnant, or amoral? There is one thing and only one thing driving the Left's hatred of Sarah Palin: fear. It is the fear that she is the next Reagan, who was viciously attacked in the same way. It is the fear that she will, through her classic American values and sensibility (think Truman), sweep all the rubes in flyover country into a tidal wave of support and decimate Liberal power.
Palin is not your standard politician. She is not Mitt Romney, John McCain, or Mike Huckabee. To judge her by the standard playbook is a fool's errand. There is no playbook for people like Sarah Palin, just like there was no playbook for Barack Obama. So when you hear folks speculating that her career is over for whatever reason, e.g., she will be seen as a less-than-one-term governor or she doesn't have enough experience, remember that our side (and the Clintons) said that about our current president. Sarah Palin is the rare politician who can play by her own rules.
I hope he's right, I really do.
I would hate to see Sarah Palin go quietly. We need someone like her in Washington- she is the ultimate Litmus Test. You can learn tons about a person by what they have to say about Sarah Palin.
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