Monday, August 24, 2009

My Nana used to call this "Nouveau Riche"

You got to hand it to Obama. I don't think anyone talks out of both sides of his mouth as eloquently as he does.
The two-tongued tyrant is at it again, and as usual, what's good for the rest of the country, isn't good for the Obama's.
What happened to the "Stay-Cation" the Liberal Democrats were trying to sell the rest of us this summer? Where is the sensitivity to those of us who had to forgo vacations this year?
Weren't we all told to tighten our belts and be patient?
Meanwhile the long-legged Mack Daddy is jet-setting on the Cape, it's unreal.

News Flash- Martha's Vineyard is not budget.

And I have to question his choice of vacation spots, why the Vineyard?
Could Obama be posing?
Could this be another elitist move on the part of the Half-rican American President?

Shit aint right America!

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